Best Herbs for Health and Fighting Cancer

1. Rosemary – Contains many
antioxidants such as carnosol. Antioxidants help prevent DNA damage leading to
cancer. Carnosol and cineole may also help to detoxify certain carcinogens that
can initiate the cancer process, especially breast, skin and lung. It is also
great for the hair as a rinse and great in skin care to increase circulation. Use
in soups, stews, meat or vegetables and bread.
3. Oregano - Contains farnesol, a phytochemical that
has been shown to block the growth of skin cancer in mice. Also contains
quercetin, an antioxidant, which may be protective against breast, ovarian and
endometrial cancers. This herb is greatin Mexican or Italian dishes with chili,
garlic, tomatoes and onions (all of which also have their own health benefits).
4. Ginger - The pungency in
this herb is due to gingerol. When dried, zingerone is formed. Both have
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. They are believed to suppress the
growth of cancer cells by inducing cell death. This herb is used fresh in many
Asian dishes. This makes a great tea when you are feeling under the weather
5. Parsley - Rich in
polyacetylenes, which seem to protect against certain carcinogens found in
tobacco smoke. It may also help to regulate the body's production of some prostaglandins
which can be tumor promotors. Parsley is great in any salad and with tomatoes.
6. Mint – Contains limonene which
is also found in citrus peels, cherries, and lavender. Studies suggest that
this phytochemical can block the development of breast tumors and shrink them. Limonene
is currently being used in clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. My
favorite use of mint is a mojito!
7. Turmeric - Contains the yellow
pigment curcumin. Curcumin is a good anti-inflammatory agent and can block cell
proliferation in the colon that results in colon polyps and possibly colon
cancer. In cell culture studies, curcumin has slowed the proliferation of
prostate cancer cells. Curcumin can also help with inflammatory diseases like arthritis.