Getting areas ready to plant means taking out some things. both Dandelion and Dock are prolific on my farm and I try to control them by digging the roots and using them.
Yellow dock (Rumex crispus)
Yellow dock (Rumex crispus)
Dock is a weed found in many pastures. It is also known as curly dock because
the leaves have undulating egdes. It is edible and sometimes eaten as a potherb
but it is the deep taproots that have medicinal properties. Its main use is as
a laxative due to the anthraquinones found in it such as emodin and
chrysophanol. But has also been used to improve the absorption of minerals and
the help a headache.
dock is a purifying tonic and so can be used topically for a number of skin
conditions. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties. Although
it is most widely used for acne it has also been used for eczema, psoriasis,
rash, boils, and abscesses and to calm irritated skin. It is said to improve
blood flow (a good thing for most conditions). Because of tyrosinase inhibitors dock could potentially decrease age spots on the skin.
(Taraxacum officinale)

is both a laxative and a diuretic (increasing urination to decrease water
content of the body and thus decrease blood pressure). It has been used to detoxify
the liver and gallbladder and to help decrease a headache. In skin care it has been used to treat acne,
eczema and psoriasis. It is antiinflammatory and an antioxidant. It has an
effect on the cells of the dermis to strengthen that layer of skin. Many
herbalists recommend it for breast health and medical science is looking at the
possibility of dandelion to inhibit cancer cell growth.
plant dandelion or dock though; come to my place and dig them up if you need some; both spread wildly!